De Plastieken Plunk 2015 – Genomineerde #06 : Cecilia Valagussa
1 december 2015 

Raas_van_Gaverestraat_03Tot de PéPé Soirée publiceren we interviews met elk van de genomineerden. Het kan misschien nog uw stem beïnvloeden voor de Publieksprijs. Another one in English today with Cecilia Valagussa.


Could you tell us something about the birth of your comic?
It started as an assignment for my master studies (at Sint Lukas, Brussels) but it soon became a funny way to record some daily moments and nuissances that happened during my moving and my first year in Gent. It’s nice to watch it now and go back to the moment where my apartment was empty… after one year it’s almost like a warehouse!

Are you serious?
Yes, don’t I look serious? (Laughs)

Why would you like to win De Plastieken Plunk?
I think it would be nice to have some money to spend on the printing of some nice zines, especially in December. Then I’ll be done with all the Christmas gifts in one go!

Why do you think you earn to win?
Maybe because I’ve never won anything.

Which of the other finalist is your favorite and why?
My favourite finalist is Valentine Gallardo because she is a friend and she wears nice glasses. Well, she also draws wonderfully.

What’s the strangest way you’ve ever broken a bone or got wounded?
When I was 3 years old I was running and singing in the garden in Italy, where I used to live. I was using a gardening tool (the one used to make holes in the ground) as a microphone. Suddenly I tripped and I pierced my cheek. It cost me 3 stitches. From that moment on I never ran with a pointed tool in my hand, I only did another piercing when I was eighteen.

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