De Plastieken Plunk 2015 – Genomineerde #04 : Valentine Gallardo
27 november 2015 

Its_Not_About_Cheese_01Tot de PéPé Soirée publiceren we interviews met elk van de genomineerden. Het kan misschien nog uw stem beïnvloeden voor de Publieksprijs. Valentine Gallardo kreeg ze in het Engels voorgeschoteld.


Could you tell us something about the birth of your comic?
I wanted to make a comic about veganism for a while but I didn’t want to make a purely political comic or something too trivial. It’s hard to find a balance. Eventually I found some awesome color pencils and started to draw in my sketch book and it just happened naturally.

Are you serious?
Yes of course.

Why would you like to win De Plastieken Plunk?
Who wouldn’t? I want the glory and the plastic award and to buy vegan pizza and nice wine with the money.

Why do you think you earn to win?
I don’t think I do! But I’m already happy if many people read my work. That’s why I entered the contest.

Which of the other finalist is your favorite and why?
My favourite is Nina van Denbempt. I admire her work since a long time! I love the compositions and colors and the story’s pretty great too.

What’s the strangest way you’ve ever broken a bone or got wounded?
I broke my wrist doing roller skating at school when I was a kid. All the other kids had no protection whatsoever but my mom almost wrapped me in bubble wrap: I had a helmet, elbow and knee pads and I still managed to hurt myself somehow.


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